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Mama's Boy: A Story from Our Americas, by Dustin Lance Black

Free Download Mama's Boy: A Story from Our Americas, by Dustin Lance Black
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“Mama’s Boy is a beautifully written, utterly compelling account of growing up poor and gay with a thrice married, physically disabled, deeply religious Mormon mother, and the imprint this irrepressible woman made on the character of Dustin Lance Black. Their extraordinary bond left me exhilarated—it actually gave me hope for the future of the republic, which is no mean feat, given the dark mood of our current moment.”—Jon Krakauer, author of Missoula and Under the Banner of Heaven “A fast read with witty observations, and all the emotions to go along. . . . [A] testament to the powerful impact a good parent has on children. . . . Black and Mama’s Boy show just how far the unlikeliest of children can go with pure, unabashed grit.”—San Francisco Chronicle“A fascinating and poignant combination of memoir and family history. . . . Both personal and universal. . . . The most emotional moments come as Black finds himself in personal encounters with those who might be considered obviously antagonistic to his world, including leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and more conservative members of his own family. . . . Finding common ground is indeed the powerful throughline in Mama’s Boy.”—Salt Lake City Weekly “Reverence is at [this memoir’s] heart. . . . There would be ample room for Lance to boast in this memoir, but you wait for it in vain. He’s done what he’s done and, here, told us how, with film-industry luminaries and gay activist colleagues, but even more compellingly through his deep, unbroken involvement with his family of origin and the transfer of that experience to what is now his own family.”—The Bay Area Reporter“A memoir of an enduring mother-son bond that transcends even the deepest ideological divides. . . . [A] heartfelt tribute.”—USA Today, “5 Books Not to Miss” “A loving portrait of [the author’s mother], a tiny, fierce woman who didn’t let any of her challenges—including poverty, the polio that cost her the use of her legs, and two bad marriages—stop her from living a full life, setting an example for her three sons.”—San Antonio Express-News “The story of how a mother and son came to reconcile their differences and realize the importance of family.”—NPR “Dustin Lance Black’s memoir comes at exactly the right time; his complicated, surprising, and ultimately touching journey with his mom is a great example in our ideologically divided times.”—Andy Cohen, author of Superficial and The Andy Cohen Diaries “[A] sharp, affecting memoir.”—Town & Country “Black’s tender and heartfelt love letter to his remarkable mother is an act of courage and reclamation. It’s a well-deserved tribute.”—New York Journal of Books“At the center of this thought-provoking memoir, Black, who won an Academy Award for the screenplay for Milk, offers a heartfelt tribute to Anne, his courageously inspiring yet deeply religious and politically conservative mother. . . . Black provides a wholly engrossing account of how a mother and son evolved beyond their potentially divisive religious and political beliefs to uncover a source of strength and unity through their enduring bond. A terrifically moving memoir of the myriad complexities of family dynamics.”—Kirkus Reviews (starred review)“Black grew up in the South, surrounded by stories—the telling sometimes fueled by Jack Daniels—that made people stronger. As a result, he fell in love with the magic of storytelling and has himself become a consummate storyteller, as he demonstrates in this beautifully written, vastly entertaining, and moving memoir. The most powerful stories are the most personal, Black believes, and, in that context, the most important figure in his story is his indomitable mother, who, a victim of childhood polio, had no use of her legs but refused to let that stop her. From her tough, stubborn heart, he inherited his own strong will and optimism. . . . Black seems incapable of writing a dull word as he evokes his stirring life and times, ultimately inspiring comity by word and example. His book belongs in every library.”—Booklist (starred review) “Hang on to your apron strings, there hasn’t been a more memorable Southern mother memoir since Rick Bragg’s All Over but the Shoutin’. In Mama’s Boy, Dustin Lance Black redefines Steel Magnolia. From page one, readers will root for this matriarch, who demurely ruled every room since she was a child.”—Helen Ellis, author of Southern Lady Code and American Housewife “A magnificent achievement. I cannot remember a book where I cried so often. Brave, insightful, unflinching, funny, sad, triumphant . . . everything. And both a warning and a hope for the times to come.”—Stephen Fry, author of Heroes and More Fool Me
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Dustin Lance Black is a filmmaker and social activist, known for writing the Academy Award–winning screenplay of the Harvey Milk biopic Milk, and for his part in overturning California’s discriminatory Proposition 8. He divides his time between London and Texas.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Gebundene Ausgabe: 416 Seiten
Verlag: Knopf (30. April 2019)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 152473327X
ISBN-13: 978-1524733278
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
17,2 x 3,5 x 24,2 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 12.754 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Ich weiß nicht, wie bekannt Dustin Lance Black in Deutschland ist - ich bin über Instragram auf ihn gestoßen und habe mittlerweile viele Videos von Vorträgen von ihm auf Youtube gesehen, die mich unglaublich angesprochen und inspiriert haben. Da war es selbstverständlich sofort sein Buch zu ordern - und ich bin tief berührt, herausgefordert und beeindruckt von seiner (Lebens-)Reise + all das, was er mit Leidenschaft + Hingabe erreicht hat. Geschichten verändern Leben, nicht Konfrontationen - oft sein Fazit in Vorträgen und nun in aller Ausführlichkeit im Buch. Eine der Schlüsselszenen mit den Freunden und seiner Mutter nach seinem Coming Out verursacht mir immer noch Gänsehaut. Ich wünsche mir mehr dieser "Brücken" in Deutschland und mehr Menschen, die von ihm inspiriert werden. Danke für dieses Buch!
What an amazing book! I don’t know where to start for this review. First of all, Lance Black is an excellent writer. I know he’s primarily a screenwriter but I am sure he would make an excellent novelist. He has an easy style that conveys emotion and events well. This is his autobiography in a way but it’s really the story of his strong, resilient and steadfast mother - an amazing woman, to say the least. If you really want to know the essence of this book, go to page 49, read the last paragraph of Chapter 3. It encapsulates everything. If you want to know the promise of this book, go to page 303, read the last paragraph of Chapter 19. It resonates determination and resolve. I am a prolific reader. Surprisingly though, few books really touch me. This one certainly did. Needless to say, I HIGHLY recommend this book. It will take you on a journey filled laughter, pride and, unfortunately a few tears as well.
Yesterday, balling my eyes out on a Minneapolis to LaGuardia flight. Today, weeping in the lobby of a hotel in Manhattan. If my physical reaction to Mama’s Boy isn’t a ringing endorsement, I don’t know what is? This is an important story about families. Yes, families are complicated and generally f###d up, but they are also are our source of strength and purpose. Families are the fabric of our lives — good and bad — and this book is an opportunity for all of us to reflect, laugh, and yes, cry, when reflecting on our families. This is not only an enjoyably-written book, but an important one that everyone should experience. Bravo!
A lovely, loving tribute to the author’s mom + a gay Mormon coming of age story + a short history of the gay marriage struggle = a wonderful first book. The author is VERY candid about his family and his growing up, so I would have loved an additional chapter on his relationship with Tom, but I guess every author needs to hold a little back for the next book (get to writing, Lance).
The author tells powerful stories about his amazing mother, who overcame crippling polio, which kept her hospitalized for years as a girl. Against all predictions, she survived and bore and raised three sons. Later she survived abusive husbands.He also tells of his own personal struggle, when he realized at a young age that he was one of the homosexuals that his Mormon church railed against, and that his family and community likewise condemned.His family members come alive, as well as his love for them, and his fear that they will reject him when they know his secret.Inexorably we see him overcome his shyness to become a fighter like his brave mother, but for his adopted family of LGBTQ people emerging from their closets.
I’m not sure I can put into words what Lance’s story means to me. Everything that he and his family went through and not only did they not give up, they worked so hard to overcome and be more than dirt poor farmers and disabled Americans who gave up trying.Lance’s life is inspiring and I know that this book can change the views of so many and help others work to create bridges with those that mean so much to them.
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